Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas isn't Christmas Til it Happens in Your Heart

isn't Christmas...
till it happens...
in your heart...
somewhere... deep inside you...
is where Christmas really starts...

so, give your... heart to Jesus...
you'll discover when you do...
that it's Christmas... really Christmas... for you!

It has been so hard for me to get in the Christmas spirit this year.  So many things are different and new.
We won't be spending Christmas with family this year.  Instead, we will spend 10 days in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.  We have planned to visit the world's tallest building, play at a water park which boasts the world's highest AND fastest water slide, take an overnight desert safari and do some shopping at the world's largest mall-  Dubai Mall.  We also plan to take a day trip up to Abu Dhabi for a visit to Ferrari World, of course home to the world's fastest roller coaster.  Part of Tully's Christmas present will be a half day snow ski school and an afternoon on the slopes at an indoor ski resort!  Not a traditional Christmas by any means, but we'll be making special memories together and that is what really counts!

The weather is also not like back home!  Things have cooled off considerably and it isn't uncommon to see Indians bundled up in their shawls or jackets.  Down filled coats line the racks of the department stores.   The reality is the temps cool down to the low 70's overnight, but will still get up in the 80's during the day.  Looking at the forecast for Dubai for next week:  Lows in the 60's, highs in the low 80's.  The only snow we will see this year will be at the indoor ski resort!  I can't say I miss the bitter cold, but it does make it hard for it to "feel like" Christmas.

We do have a little tree, decorated with treasures from India.  Due to my unexpected hospital stay just prior to the shippers coming, I didn't manage to get any of our Christmas decorations, ornaments or stockings in the shipment container.  Our tree is the extent of our decorating this year, but I have Mom on a mission to buy some things that will fit in our suitcase next summer!

The gifts for family are not wrapped and under our tree, but rather bagged up and ready to pack in a suitcase for Larani to take back to the states with her.  We didn't want to risk Customs wanting to see what was inside and ripping the wrapping open, so Larani gets the task of putting everything together and under the appropriate tree, once she is back in the states.

Speaking of Larani, she has decided to return to the states so that she can physically be in school to work on her degree.  She leaves in just 2 days and our hearts are so heavy and sad.  I am so thankful that she came on this adventure with us, not just to visit, but to live it with us!  The time she and Rick spent together, watching her and Tully bond even closer and simply having her in our home full time has been such a blessing!  We will miss her terribly, but will always cherish the time we had with her here in this amazing place.  She knows she can always come back!  Just say the word, B, and we'll book the ticket!

So, while this is another holiday of  first and things are very different, I am reminded that Christmas isn't really about the tree, or the presents, or the snow.  Years ago, I sang in The Glory of Christmas.  The song, Christmas Isn't Christmas, has been ringing in my heart and ears over the last few days. Today I found the song on youtube and sang along, shared it with Tully.  He really liked it and was happy that I had decided to share it on my blog.  I've missed my nativity for that visual reminder that Jesus is the real reason for the season.  However, I know that He much prefers that we hold Him close in our heart, not just now, but all year long.