Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas isn't Christmas Til it Happens in Your Heart

isn't Christmas...
till it happens...
in your heart...
somewhere... deep inside you...
is where Christmas really starts...

so, give your... heart to Jesus...
you'll discover when you do...
that it's Christmas... really Christmas... for you!

It has been so hard for me to get in the Christmas spirit this year.  So many things are different and new.
We won't be spending Christmas with family this year.  Instead, we will spend 10 days in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.  We have planned to visit the world's tallest building, play at a water park which boasts the world's highest AND fastest water slide, take an overnight desert safari and do some shopping at the world's largest mall-  Dubai Mall.  We also plan to take a day trip up to Abu Dhabi for a visit to Ferrari World, of course home to the world's fastest roller coaster.  Part of Tully's Christmas present will be a half day snow ski school and an afternoon on the slopes at an indoor ski resort!  Not a traditional Christmas by any means, but we'll be making special memories together and that is what really counts!

The weather is also not like back home!  Things have cooled off considerably and it isn't uncommon to see Indians bundled up in their shawls or jackets.  Down filled coats line the racks of the department stores.   The reality is the temps cool down to the low 70's overnight, but will still get up in the 80's during the day.  Looking at the forecast for Dubai for next week:  Lows in the 60's, highs in the low 80's.  The only snow we will see this year will be at the indoor ski resort!  I can't say I miss the bitter cold, but it does make it hard for it to "feel like" Christmas.

We do have a little tree, decorated with treasures from India.  Due to my unexpected hospital stay just prior to the shippers coming, I didn't manage to get any of our Christmas decorations, ornaments or stockings in the shipment container.  Our tree is the extent of our decorating this year, but I have Mom on a mission to buy some things that will fit in our suitcase next summer!

The gifts for family are not wrapped and under our tree, but rather bagged up and ready to pack in a suitcase for Larani to take back to the states with her.  We didn't want to risk Customs wanting to see what was inside and ripping the wrapping open, so Larani gets the task of putting everything together and under the appropriate tree, once she is back in the states.

Speaking of Larani, she has decided to return to the states so that she can physically be in school to work on her degree.  She leaves in just 2 days and our hearts are so heavy and sad.  I am so thankful that she came on this adventure with us, not just to visit, but to live it with us!  The time she and Rick spent together, watching her and Tully bond even closer and simply having her in our home full time has been such a blessing!  We will miss her terribly, but will always cherish the time we had with her here in this amazing place.  She knows she can always come back!  Just say the word, B, and we'll book the ticket!

So, while this is another holiday of  first and things are very different, I am reminded that Christmas isn't really about the tree, or the presents, or the snow.  Years ago, I sang in The Glory of Christmas.  The song, Christmas Isn't Christmas, has been ringing in my heart and ears over the last few days. Today I found the song on youtube and sang along, shared it with Tully.  He really liked it and was happy that I had decided to share it on my blog.  I've missed my nativity for that visual reminder that Jesus is the real reason for the season.  However, I know that He much prefers that we hold Him close in our heart, not just now, but all year long.  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Today's First: Missing My First Family Holiday,,,EVER

I am 48 years old and for those 48 years I have attended every family get together that I can recall.  Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve at Grandma Derryberry's, Christmas Day at Mam's, Easter at Mom & Dads, and since Dad passed away, every Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter at Mom's.

My immediate family isn't very big.  It's just Mom, my sister, Kim and her husband Jeff, Kim's girls, Camellia, Jessica, Elli and Ava.  Then there is my family:  me, Rick, Austin & Ashley and the grandloves, Addi and Mike, Rainey, Larani and Tully.  That's us.  What we lack in number we make up for in love and laughs.

This is year, Thanksgiving is being held a few days early so Kim and Jeff can celebrate with his family in Tulsa on the official Turkey Day.  Sunday afternoon, everyone will gather at Mom's house.  Dinner is promptly at 1:00...well, if Camellia and Austin are on time, that is!  There will be turkey and dressing, cranberry salad, baked beans, deviled eggs, broccoli casserole and pie.  All the usual trimming, except us.

I talked to Mom yesterday and she said she was going to attempt to make my broccoli casserole, but she knew it wouldn't be as good as mine.  Rick's not there to smoke the turkeys or bake the pies, and I'm sure Mom will say that they aren't fit to eat since she made them!  She said every time she thinks about us not being there, she cries.

Tonight it hit me.  I was working on  reports for school and it dawned on me that it was Sunday morning in the states.  In just a few hours my kids, grandkids, sister and her family will gather at my mom's house.  And that we won't be there.  I posted on FB, tucked Tully in and came back to finish up the last of the reports.

Then Kim wrote on my wall.

Happy Early Turkey Day!!! Ava helped me make the baked beans and they're about to go 
back in the oven. My eggs are boiled and are soon to be deviled. Mom has the turkey and ham ready to go in the oven, along with her version of your broccoli casserole, but it sure won't be the same without all you guys. There will be 16 of us this year. We've squeezed 12 chairs around Mom's table. Barb will be joining us and I think Addi and Jessica are skinny enough to sit at the corners. lol! I'll try to take lots of pictures to post for you and we'll try not to have any leftovers. Mom said she wasn't cooking nearly as much this year. Right, whatever. It sounds like an awesome Christmas experience for you in Dubai. You're making the memories of a lifetime, so make the most of it! Just know that you're loved and missed Sis! Give Tully a dutch rub on his head for me, and big hugs and kisses to all! Love You!

 I started reading it out loud to Rick.  Before the end of the second sentence I was sobbing.  It hit me.  For the first time in 48 years, I won't be there to celebrate with my entire family.  Sure, Rick and I will make Thanksgiving special somehow here in this land where turkey are hard to come by and there is no such thing as Libby's pumpkin pie filling.  Sure, we are living our dream and very happy about the decision we made.  But every opportunity has a cost.  Today, I am paying the price.  What would I give  to walk into Mom's and smell the turkey and stir the noodles, sit in her teeny tiny front room and visit and laugh with everyone while my grandbabies climb all over me, hug my sweet Addi's neck and smell Austin's cologne as he gives me one of his big bear hugs?

Instead, I'll cry a few more tears, write it down to get out and be thankful that they are all able to be together.  I may not be there in body, but my heart is right there, loving them all, missing them much.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Magic Carpet

Last week, Manzor, The Carpet Man, came by our flat to pick up some carpets that we had been "trying out."  One of our neighbors had hosted a party a month or so ago and we brought home several rugs of various sizes and designs.  Manzor took a couple of rugs, but left us with 2 and an appointment to pick us up this morning for us to visit his warehouse.  So, this morning, as appointed, his worker shows up at our door to escort us down to south Bombay, but with him, he had 3 rugs that Manzor thought we might like.  Out of those 3, one really caught our eye!
This rug is 9 x 12 and is Cashmere wool
We left the flat thinking this one is a great fit for our space and we love the red, green, gold and blue color scheme.

Now, when Manzor brought his carpets to Dave and Kim's last month, he had all sizes, colors and designs.  But after visiting our flat last week, seeing our stuff and talking to us, he knew better what we were looking for!
We arrived at his warehouse, but were only able to visit one room of it, as the ground floor room was being painted.  After climbing up 3 flights of stairs we arrived to a room piled high with carpets!
Knowing we liked rusty reds, not ruby or garnet, Manzor and his workers began to roll out the carpet!  Staring with a few 9 x 12 and working down to runners and prayers rugs, we probably viewed, touched and walked on over 50 carpets!  If a rug caught our eye, Manzor would tell us it's history:  whether it was new or antique-and if antique, just how old, where it was made, the name of it's design or style, and the kind of wool from which it is made.   We ended up bringing home a total of 12 pieces:  11 rugs and an incredible saddle bag used on either horses or camels in caravans! I think this is by far our favorite piece!
We will add a cushion to each pouch to create sit-upon floor cushions!
Another, in a long list of things that is incredible about India, is that Manzor delivered all of these rugs to our flat this evening.  We will keep them, try them out for a month or two.   After a time, he will come to the flat and see what we like.  He'll take those which we have ruled out and then give us more time with the ones we are seriously considering.   Things that made you say, "Only in India!"  
Rick, Manzor, Kelli and one of Manzor's workers

Manzor and a few of his workers

Keep in mind that all of these rugs are woven by hand by families from Persia (Iran), Turkey, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Baluchistan.  The tribes who create the rugs raise the sheep, sheer it, spin it, dye it with natural (vegetable) dyes, spin it again and then weave the designs with out a pattern.  Each carpet it truly an original!   

Here's what we brought home.  I'll caption with what I remember about each one!
3 x 5 Turkish Kilim
According to Wikipedia:  Kilims (Persianگلیم gelim) are flat tapestry-woven carpets or rugs produced from the Balkans to Pakistan. Kilims can be purely decorative or can function as prayer rugs

Antique (+100 years) old silk prayer rug.  Oh, so soft! Rick really loves this one!
Prayer rug
This is one of my favorites!  It's 4 x 6 and  the  colors are made from vegetable dyes.
 Is a combination of silk and wool and is so soft!

8 x 10 Reversible Kilim, side 1

Side 2 ...Love it!  It's a little brighter than the other side.

Shalimar carpet, moghul design 
8 x 10.  It looks red and green if you stand on one end,
then rose'ish and light green if you stand on the other!
It is a blend of silk and wool.

Antique Shiraz, 7 x 9.  You can see how the color is uneven from  use.  

I love the center medallion on this one.  We all love this one, too!
5 x 7, not one of my favorites, but still a beautiful rug!
Antique Baluch.  These are made in SE Iran and Western Afghanistan.  

Same carpet.  Baluch rugs have a more open weave.  Another one we all love!
Kilim runner.  This one is embossed with the darker design made from  a different wool.
 I love the way it fits in our kitchen!
Now the hard part!  Which do we choose?  Which can't we live without?  For the next few weeks we will rearrange our furniture and try the rugs in different rooms to see what works where and eliminate those that don't!  Rick and I figure the rugs that we select will find themselves in our forever home when we finally return to the states as a reminder of our Magic Carpet ride in Magnificent Mumbai!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Want to be a Bollywood Star?

Date Night took an interesting turn tonight!  After leaving Bungalow 9, Rick and I were working up our courage to cross a very busy intersection when we noticed a man walking toward us with what appeared to  be purpose.  He quickly introduced himself as being "from Bollywood."  A casting agent by trade.

I admit, I was taken aback just a bit!  I Bollywood a real place?  Could he possibly really be a casting agent, or did he just see a scam waiting to happen?

 He asked if we were traveling and I proudly declared that "No, we live here. I am a teacher!"  To which he replied, "At the American School?"

"Why, as a matter of fact, yes." I replied rather slowly.  Now he is getting my attention.

 I have read, and been told by other teachers, that American's are often recruited as extra's in a Bollywood film or to be in Indian catalogs and magazines.  Could he possibly be legit?

We chatted for a few minutes and he dropped the names of a couple of teachers, including a neighbor and friend, who he knew lived "off Carter Road".  It just so happens that she live right across the street and Tully and her son play together about once a week.  He encouraged me to call her and verify that he had, in fact, just used several students from ASB in a "voice over" for a movie.  I assured him that I would call her later and if, in fact, he was legit, we would get back to him.  We exchanged phone numbers and names and parted ways.

Tomorrow, I will call Julie, but tonight I googled him.  He is, in fact, a Bollywood casting agent.  Now I'm not sure that Bollywood is quite ready for me, but Tully and Larani might have fun with it.

This is just another example of how you never know what you are going to experience from one day to the next living in Bombay, er, Bollywood.

Friday Night, Date Night

After a long and hectic week, my husband decided what we needed was a date!  Gladly, I accepted his offer.  We left Tully in the capable hands of Larani and left their dinner to Lemon Grass and away we went!

We had several recommendations for places to go eat, but we finally decided on Bungalow 9.  Several friends had told me what a neat place it was and how good the food was, so we found it on Google Maps and set out for a lovely evening out in Bandra.  I made a reservation and then we hopped a rickshaw and headed to Hill Road.  I had been wanting to check out some shops on Hill Road for a while and since B9 was a short walk away, we spent out time before dinner picking up a few things at Cheap Jack's (india's version of Dollar Tree) and Nature's Basket(supermarket/delicatessen/boulangerie/patessserie ...according to their website!).

After wandering aimlessly for about 20 minutes, we finally found our landmark and made our way to Bungalow 9.  Our reservation was for 7:00, and we were prompt, but they were still having their employee meeting inside, so we were seated on the patio.  Within about 15 minutes, we were escorted inside.  Bungalow 9 is a charming restaurant which resides in an old, well... bungalow!  The beautiful thing about that is that the owner preserved the originality of the bungalow, leaving the beams, wood work and tile flooring.  They serve up a delicious wood fired pizza and the Kahlua cheesecake was to die for!  We enjoyed the food and the conversation with our waiter, who was excited to learn that we actually live in Bombay and that we weren't just tourists!  

Bungalow 9 Patio

Can you tell the sun has been shining in Mumbai?
After dinner, we walked  back toward home, just enjoying the sights of Bombay.  Every day you see something new, something unusual, something that makes you think.  Here's a peek at what caught our eye tonight as we strolled along.

Bandra Loves Jesus!

The occasional military vehicle 

Cows, of course!

And more cows!  Notice the traffic speeding by beside them!

Beautiful fruit stands litter the roadways 

Oh!  Guess what?  More Cows!

Rick and I are both fascinated with the architectural that is simply wasting away!
Loving Friday Night, Date Night in Bombay!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Paintball in Powaii

Today a group of 12 hopped in a school van and headed north to the area of Powaii, which is a new expat community in northeast Mumbai.  Our destination was Headrush Paintball in Hiranandani Gardens, Powaii.  Preyanka had arranged the paintball and I took care of getting the school van so we could all ride together and avoid having to get separate taxis.
We met at Gloria Jean's Coffee Shop at 9:30 and Darshan, our driver, drove us to our destination.  It was the first time I had  been north of Bandra and as always, we saw many new, interesting and unusual sights!  

Headrush Paintball is located in a neighborhood known as Hiranandani Gardens and the view was significantly different than we see in our neighborhood!  

Once we arrived, we invited Darshan, our driver from the school, to play with us.  He quickly waggled yes, parked the van and joined us.  We were a bit early, so we sat around and visited.  Anytime a group goes on an outing, there is always a few people who may not have spent much time together:  new hires, returning teachers, teachers from different grade levels or departments.  It is a great way to get to know other teachers from ASB.  Tully spent this time scoping out the arena and learning a little Hindi from Darshan! 

Finally, and quite punctually by India standards, the operator's arrived and said it was time to "gear up!'  Gear consisted of camo jump suits, "bullet proof" vests, and a face shield.  
Meet my funny Aussie roomie, Sarah Trevaskis

Paintball was Preya's great idea!

Tullinator geared up and ready to go!

Lovely Larani

Zach (USMC) and Nancy

Jordan, who is asked daily if he is Tully's dad!

Team Thexton

ASB Paintball 

Ready for some fun!
Then it was time to choose teams.  Now, Rick and Zack are both Marines, so this created a dilemma!  Should they be separated or together against everyone else?  Tully wanted to be on Dad's team, and Team Ginger was created.  Obviously, Jordan had to be on this team, too, so it was Team Ginger against everybody else!
Team Ginger:  Jordan, Rick, Tully and Zack

Preya, Sarah, Larani, Molly and Nancy

Darshan, Larani, Sarah, Molly, Waciuma, Nancy, Preya, and Bryan
The guns were distributed and games determined...Elimination, Capture the Flag and Capture the Fort.  2 hours of spraying bullets and lots of bruises to prove it.  I think Sarah and Preya win the prizes for Best Paintball Injuries.
Sarah's goose egg.  She got hit AFTER she was already out of the arena!

Preya's Point Blank!
Over all, it was a great day!  Several enjoyed paintball for the very first time, including Larani, Tully and Darshan.  I can't help but smile, knowing the story Darshan will have to tell his friends at work tomorrow!  

Darshan and Tully
Preparing for the Final Battle